A Periodical for the Sarcoma Community

October 2008 - Volume 5, Number 5

The worsening world economy and sarcoma advocacy

Editorial by Bruce Shriver, PhD

Extra-abdominal primary fibromatosis: strategy according to molecular findings?

CTOS Op Ed: Sylvie Bonvalot, MD, PhD contends that prospective studies are needed to understand the molecular mechanisms behind desmoid tumorigenesis and progression and to confirm whether some mutations are at particular risk for recurrence or progression.

Telomere maintenance mechanisms in liposarcomas

In this experimenal plan, Dominique Broccoli, PhD describes her research evaluating the telomere maintenance mechanism associated differences in liposarcomas.

Open access: a basic right underlying participatory medicine

Gilles Frydman argues that the necessity of Open Access to promote participatory medicine is clear.

Issues of assessment and adjustment following a cancer diagnosis

From a Nurses Perspective: Marianne Griffin RN, BA and Kate Thompson BA. BSW suggest that Comprehensive psychosocial assessment during the early stages of treatment is critical and should be considered as a priority in conjunction with the medical and physical aspects of an individual’s treatment plan.


Honoring Rose Burt's Memory

A $50,000 liposarcoma research grant is awarded in memory of Rose Burt.

Dr. Raphael Pollock Joins Medical Advisory and Editorial Advisory Boards

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Raphael Pollock, an internationally distinguished physician, has joined our Medical Advisory and Editorial Board.